Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Lepa Mladjenovic, Belgrade

Feminist lesbian from Belgrade, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex Eastern Europe, one Member of Rhonda’s Family by Choice

a note

In March this year I was staying with Rhonda in her Europeanish flat over the East River. I told her at one moment:
- Rhonda, I adore you,
She said:
- You say that to every woman!!
I said:
- Yes I adore women, and I know exactly why I adore you: you have a passion to encounter women and be intense, emotionally and politically, in that exchange.
She said:
- What do you mean?
I said:
- I remember 15 years ago when I met you I was sleeping in your place, we went together to a Madre celebration in a big hall. There were many of your friends there. When the event was over you told me, wait a little, I need to talk to some people. I observed you then for the first time how carefully, in full tender concentration you talked to one and then another and then another woman... with the pleasure of a girl who does not want to go to sleep, because life is beautiful, with a fury of a feminist whose condition depends on this particular political discussion you make in this very moment. In New York, your behavior seemed to my post socialist eyes completely anti-capitalist, soulful ~~~ moving my heart.
Rhonda was listening, thinking in silence, to my story - her face of joy-blooming and doubting at the same time.

Ah, I say now.