Friday, May 7, 2010

From Joan Dunlop

Dear Roxanna and Charlotte

I was stunned and heartbroken to hear this news. I had no idea Rhonda was ill and feel terrible that I have been so out of touch. Your letter was beautifully written and so moving to read.

This morning, I went on the link to Rhonda from your note to us all and spent some time looking at the videos and listening to her voice.

This is a terrible loss and I can only imagine how bereft you, Charlotte and Ros P must be -- to say nothing of all the other colleagues and friends in New York and around the world.

When I went to work for John R. in 1973, one of the first grants I persuaded him to make was to Rhonda and the CCR. I was so thrilled that he agreed to it that I asked Rhonda to come in to t he office to collect the check! We were mutually very pleased with one another and I think that created a bond that lasted through the years even though we hardly ever saw one another.

Please give my heartfelt condolences to Charlotte. As luck will have it, I will be able to come to the funeral on May 21st so I will see you all there and have a chance to give you a hug and remember an amazing spirit and a powerful intellect.

Fondly JOAN