Sunday, May 9, 2010

From Marta Benavides, El Salvador

My dear Anita and Charlotte

Today I give thanks for Rhonda, a great sister, a great friend. Rhonda, with her great smile, was a friend of each person in humanity, no matter if one did not know her. she cared for a world of justice, equality and peace, and she worked for it, all of the time, in creative and loving ways, even as she suffered a terrible devastating illness, she wanted to be well, so she could continue to give more and better. We have a poet in Central America, Otto Rene Castillo, murdered when he was a University student in the 60's, for caring and loving humanity too. He said, that it is great to see the world with the eyes of those who have not been born yet. Rhonda did that, and helps us see in that way too. Abrazos. let us celebrate her life, for she was a celebration herself.


marta benavides -- XXIII century Movement -- El Salvador